Within Grasp

Within Grasp
Digital Art/Altered Image

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Click on the link above, and get the latest updates on her upcoming shows, events, sketchbook tours, newest collections, work available for sale, and much more. For commissioned work please contact Mysti, prices vary and are negotiable, with payment plans available.

New poetry and art collections will be available soon!!!

The Sketchbook Project 2015 USA Tour is coming up next month, stay tuned for the tour dates and locations on her MSM ART page, and her MSM ART & POETRY BlogSpot.

The 2015 Gadsden Museum of Art Photography is also coming up next month, stay tuned for details on exhibition dates, and the opening reception.

Recent accolades:

Recipient of the POET OF THE YEAR AWARD, with upcoming inclusion in a signature publication "Flights of Angels"-Our 50 Brightest Stars in Poetry.