Within Grasp

Within Grasp
Digital Art/Altered Image

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Quote of the Day

The essay of the heart is transported from emotion to emotion, there are no limits or escape of my mind. My visions are of great detail, and the music of my heart is of each chord progression.
My heart is tired and restless pondering in thought, and my soul is of kind nature. Nourish me down back to earth, I am a writer. 
 ~Mysti S. Milwee ©2015

Writing Prompt for the viewers:
What are your thoughts. Do you have a restless mind? Are you an over thinker?

Does music help you write?

Do you dream? and if so, do you remember them? Vivid or Lucid dreams?

What are you thinking now?

Words from the Writer:

We tend to let our minds become our focus of keeping us grounded, seeing life and things differently, which is why writers and artists become a vision for the world, a backbone for the economy during a rise and decline. Shaping our future one day at a time. So let your heart be known, and not made of stone.


Sunday, April 19, 2015


Click on the link above, and get the latest updates on her upcoming shows, events, sketchbook tours, newest collections, work available for sale, and much more. For commissioned work please contact Mysti, prices vary and are negotiable, with payment plans available.

New poetry and art collections will be available soon!!!

The Sketchbook Project 2015 USA Tour is coming up next month, stay tuned for the tour dates and locations on her MSM ART page, and her MSM ART & POETRY BlogSpot.

The 2015 Gadsden Museum of Art Photography is also coming up next month, stay tuned for details on exhibition dates, and the opening reception.

Recent accolades:

Recipient of the POET OF THE YEAR AWARD, with upcoming inclusion in a signature publication "Flights of Angels"-Our 50 Brightest Stars in Poetry.

Friday, January 23, 2015

One of my early works of a Pen & Ink Drawing of W.C. Fields
Size: 8X11

If interested in commissioning the artist to render an original of this work, please contact me at mystiart21@gmail.com

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Peace, Light, & Love be yours in Abundance!



A note from the studio:

A 2014 year in review:

New boundaries have been explored, and over 70 + poems were written.

Poems relating to Love, Life, Death, Exploration, and beyond the creative mind.

Finding new depth within my own soul, I have found and broadened my horizons that has taken me into a new realm of life. What we see and cannot see.

Breaking into new dimensions and depth of field of the mind if beyond outreaching when exploring the soul, mind, and dream interpretation.

New collective paintings will be combined with poems written in 2014, and upcoming future poems not written yet.

Stay tuned for poems and paintings to be added to the collection.

Future plans to include published chapbooks of poetry, books (art & poetry combined), personalized poems, etc.

Best wishes to all for a Happy 2015!

~Mysti S. Milwee